superior risk adjusted returns

At Merus, we believe that we are able to find and implement better investment opportunities than those typically offered at other advisory firms or brokerage houses.  Our proposition begins with a focus on sourcing unique, uncorrelated strategies not usually extended to investors that fall outside the definition of Ultra High Net Worth Individuals (“UHNWI”).   Brokerage accounts are merely extensions of the public securities markets, so naturally they tend to display similar highs and lows.  We believe that Merus client assets are positioned to exhibit a more consistent positive performance pattern, and therefore produce superior risk adjusted returns. By limiting the negative impact of market risk on our clients' portfolios investments can compound wealth more effectively.

We are believers in alternative investment strategies, which should not be confused with broad based hedge fund investing. Rather, we focus on carefully vetted and monitored strategies that possess the potential to produce consistent positive results regardless of the investment environment.   

The Merus Investments return stream comprises equally weighted allocations to hedge funds and private credit investment funds approved by Merus management and in most cases recommended for investment within the Certis Capital umbrella of wealth management. All statistics are created by using net of fee performance results from the underlying managers and are gross of any advisor fees. The return stream displayed above is entirely pro forma, based on back tested results and is not the result of an investable product. The information contained above is unaudited and may not be indicative of future performance.


focus on the client

Merus is a fee based advisory service and we do not operate proprietary investment products - why is this important? Advisors that advocate proprietary vehicles are conflicted by ample profit margins, usually at the expense of the client. Such investment advisory firms operate according to a one size fits all product business model and are, by definition, choice constrained.  We operate an open architecture allocation model because it allows us the conflict free flexibility to select investments. We can then construct portfolios that best fit the needs and objectives of our clients.  

We want our clients to know exactly what they're investing in. For that reason we do not take discretion over our clients' assets. The process of educating our clients on the fundamental drivers of returns, inherent risks and anticipated results enables them to understand our decision making process and hopefully achieve a better result. We believe it is imperative that our clients receive full transparency in order to effectively manage expectations and make informed decisions.